LinkedIn has emerged as a powerful platform for business professionals to connect, network, and generate leads. According to a LinkedIn study, 4 out of 5 members drive business decisions. Therefore, in the fast-paced world of digital marketing, it’s crucial for marketing managers to measure the success of campaigns accurately.

Without proper advertising on LinkedIn, tracking, and analysis, you may be left in the dark about the effectiveness of your efforts, and your marketing budget could be wasted on strategies that don’t deliver results. That’s where LinkedIn conversion tracking comes in.

Among its various features available, conversion tracking and automatic emails are two key tools that can significantly enhance a business’s LinkedIn marketing strategy.

It utilises the LinkedIn Insight Tag, which is a JavaScript code snippet that can be added to the website. LinkedIn insight tag is a powerful tool that enables marketing managers to gain insights into click-through and view-through conversions that are associated with LinkedIn ads.

Click-through conversions occur when users take action after clicking on one of the LinkedIn ads. View-through conversions happen when users view the ad but don’t click on it. Instead, they visit the website independently and subsequently perform an action.


Why is conversion tracking on your website important?

By setting up LinkedIn conversion tracking, marketers can track and monitor specific actions that users take after interacting with their LinkedIn ads, such as completing a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or submitting a contact form. This data provides crucial insights into how many users are converting and which marketing channels or campaign are driving the most conversions.

Moreover, marketers can use this information to evaluate their marketing efforts’ effectiveness, identify areas of improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimise their strategies.

Besides that, it allows businesses to allocate their resources and budgets more effectively, focusing on the strategies that are delivering the best results.


Track conversions and gain better insight

For example, if a business finds that its sponsored InMail or other ad formats are driving higher conversions compared to its carousel ads, it can shift its budget accordingly to maximise its return on investment (ROI).

Furthermore, understanding customer behaviour through LinkedIn online conversion tracking enables marketing managers to create more relevant and effective marketing strategies that meet their customers’ needs and preferences.


Event specific Tracking is an analytical goldmine

Another key benefit of online conversion tracking is the ability to identify and fix any bottlenecks or drop-off points in the conversion funnel, where users may be abandoning the process. It also helps track users’ actions throughout the entire customer journey, from clicking on an ad to completing a purchase on your website.

This information can be used to pinpoint the issues and make necessary adjustments to optimise the online conversion process.

Furthermore, if the goal on LinkedIn is conversions, proper tracking is essential, and a minimum threshold of 100+ conversions is recommended for efficient and reliable results. This threshold allows businesses to gather statistically significant data, optimise their campaigns effectively, set realistic benchmarks, and conduct meaningful A/B testing.


Why are automatic emails important?

One of the primary benefits of using automatic emails on LinkedIn is the time and resource efficiency it offers. Manually sending individual messages to prospects can be time-consuming and labor-intensive.

However, with automated emails, marketers can set up pre-defined email templates that can be triggered based on specific actions or events, such as when a prospect connects with the business, views a profile, or engages with the content. This eliminates the need for manual follow-ups and allows for reaching a larger audience efficiently. Automatic emails are also giving you the ability to measure what happens after a key conversion.

Personalised email after downloads or event registrations

Another significant benefit of automatic emails on LinkedIn is the ability to personalise and customise the messages. Marketers can create dynamic email templates that include placeholders for personalised information, such as the recipient’s name, company name, or industry.

Additionally, you can customise the email templates based on different audience segments, ensuring that the messages are tailored to specific groups of prospects.

Besides that, by setting up automated email sequences, you can nurture leads by providing the audience with valuable content, updates, or offers at different stages of the buyer’s journey.

You can segment the prospects based on their engagement level, interests, or behaviour. This will help in building relationships with the prospects and establishing authority.


How to set up LinkedIn conversion tracking for LinkedIn ads?

To set up LinkedIn online conversion tracking, follow these steps:

Conversion tracking through LinkedIn Insight tag

The first step is to set up the Campaign Manager account. Once your Campaign Manager account is set up, you’ll need to install the LinkedIn Insight Tag on your website. The Insight Tag is a JavaScript code snippet that needs to be added to your website’s header or footer. It works the same way as an event specific pixel.

Now, include the Insight Tag from your Campaign Manager account, and LinkedIn provides detailed instructions on how to install it on your website.

Event specific conversions are counted automatically

After installing the Insight Tag, you’ll need to define your event-specific conversions. They are the actions you want to track, such as form submissions, purchases, or downloads.

Once you’ve defined your conversion events, you’ll need to add event tags to the corresponding pages on your website. Event tags are additional code snippets that need to be added to the pages where the conversion events occur. These event tags work in conjunction with the Insight Tag to track when a conversion event is triggered on your website.


Event specific Conversion tracking through Google tag manager

First, you’ll need to create a LinkedIn Insight Tag from your LinkedIn Campaign Manager account. This involves generating a unique Insight Tag code that you’ll need to add to your Google Tag Manager account.

Once you have your Insight Tag code, log in to your Tag Manager account and navigate to the container where you want to add the LinkedIn conversion tracking.

Go to “Tags” and click on “New” to create a new tag. Choose the “Custom HTML” tag type, and add the LinkedIn Insight Tag code into the HTML field. Save the tag and publish the changes.

Track conversions the right way

After installing the Insight Tag in Google Tag Manager, you’ll need to define your conversion events.

Now, create triggers in Tag Manager that fire when these events occur. Triggers are conditions that determine when a tag should be fired.

For example, if you want to track a form submission on as a conversion event, you can create a trigger that fires when a form submission event occurs on your website.


Event specific Conversion tracking through Thank You page

First, you’ll need to create a Thank You page on your website. This is the page that users will be directed to after completing a conversion event, such as filling out a form, making a purchase, or signing up for a newsletter. It will an event specific trigger on page load, which activates the insight tag.

Next, log in to your LinkedIn Campaign Manager account and navigate to the “Conversion Tracking” section. Click on “Create a conversion action” to set up a new conversion tracking code.

Choose “Website” as the conversion source and select “Thank You page” as the type of conversion. Fill in the required information, such as the conversion name, value, and currency.

Click “Save” to generate a unique code that you’ll need to add to your Thank You page.

After generating the code, copy and paste it into the HTML of your Thank You page. You can add it as a script tag or directly into the body of the page. Now, view conversion tracking reporting to get beneficial insights. The thank you page is a simple way that allows you to track conversions submitted by your website visitors. Since all the insight tag magic happens on page load, you can add any information you want on the thank you page.


Implementing into CRM (Customer Relationship Management) or email-sender

Log in to your LinkedIn Campaign Manager account and navigate to the “Conversion Tracking” section. Click on “Create a conversion action” to set up a new conversion tracking code.

Choose “CRM integration” as the conversion source and select the appropriate CRM or email sender system from the list of available integrations. Follow the instructions provided by LinkedIn to generate a unique conversion code.

Once you’ve generated the conversion code, you’ll need to implement it into your CRM or email sender system. The implementation process may vary depending on the specific CRM or email sender system you’re using.

Generally, you’ll need to add the conversion code to the relevant pages or events in your CRM or email sender system that corresponds to a conversion event, such as a lead form submission or a purchase. This may involve adding the conversion code as a tracking script, pixel, or tag in the appropriate sections or templates.


How to understand the LinkedIn ads’ ROI from LinkedIn conversion tracking?

LinkedIn offers a valuable feature that allows you to assign a dollar value to each conversion, based on the expected impact of the action taken by your leads and new customers when they convert on your LinkedIn ad.

To optimise the use of this feature, it’s important to determine the dollar value based on the projected revenue it would likely generate.

For instance, if the online conversion is a one-time purchase of a $50 product, it makes sense to assign a value of $50 to that conversion. On the other hand, if it’s getting a lead to sign up for an initial consultation, you may base the value on a fraction of the average lifetime income your clients generate through offline conversions.

It’s important not to set the value at the full average income, as not every consultation may lead to new business, and not every new client may result in a long-term working relationship.

By combining the assigned dollar value with the total ad spend, you can calculate the return on investment (ROI) of your ads. However, it’s worth mentioning that LinkedIn’s metrics already provide automated calculations of ROI for your convenience.

Here are the handy guides to avoid the biggest LinkedIn ad mistakes and other campaign strategy mistakes!

In Conclusion

In conclusion, to run successful LinkedIn campaigns, it’s imperative for marketing managers to prioritise LinkedIn conversion tracking and automatic emails as essential elements of their LinkedIn marketing strategy. These tools allow for measuring the performance, automating responses, and optimising marketing strategies to create conversions.

Additionally, LinkedIn conversion tracking provides valuable information on the customer journey, allowing marketers to identify the touchpoints that lead to conversions and optimise their marketing funnel accordingly.

Moreover, setting up automatic emails allows marketers to instantly engage with potential prospects, nurture leads, and build meaningful relationships with the target audience.

By automating email responses, marketers can save time and resources, while ensuring timely and consistent communication with prospects. This can help in staying top of mind with their audience and increase the likelihood of converting prospects into customers.