Building a robust and effective Account Based Marketing strategy is crucial or marketers to survive in today’s highly competitive business landscape. With a laser-focused approach, ABM targets best-fit accounts through personalised campaigns, forging lasting relationships with key decision-makers. This introduction delves into the essential steps of crafting a successful ABM strategy, emphasising the need for meticulous planning, collaboration between marketing and sales teams, and data-driven insights.

By identifying the right accounts, conducting thorough research, and tailoring strategies to address individual challenges and aspirations, businesses can elevate their marketing tactics to unparalleled heights. ABM’s power lies in its ability to deliver a tailored and engaging customer experience, fostering trust, loyalty, and meaningful connections with prospects.

As we delve into the intricacies of building an ABM strategy, we uncover a realm of strategic brilliance and innovation, where each step aligns to create a symphony of success in the pursuit of business growth and prosperity.


Account based marketing campaign types

Account Based Marketing (ABM) campaigns encompass a diverse range of strategies tailored to engage and convert best-fit accounts. Each campaign type is strategically designed to address the unique needs and preferences of target accounts, ensuring personalised and impactful interactions.

Singular ABM campaigns

When you find yourself in the company of that singularly crucial client, one who holds the key to a myriad of potential deals, a remarkable advantage reveals itself through the adeptness to craft bespoke deliverables. These offerings are finely tuned not just to their industry, but also tailored precisely to their specific products, organizational structure, and network of branches. This genre of the campaign can unfold in various guises: a sustained, gradual-burning campaign, a recurring burst campaign, or one off campaign. They serve as both a complementary component to the efforts of the sales representatives and an autonomous endeavour, ingeniously generating Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) for the representatives in the field.

Plural ABM campaigns

The prevailing campaign archetype caters to a range of 2-50 designated accounts, united by shared attributes encompassing industry, product requisites, geographical location, and the like. Often, it is advisable to partition an extensive roster into more petite and finely delineated lists, thus harnessing the full potential of an Account Based Marketing (ABM) campaign. This mode of campaign stands as a premier and sought-after format, often serving as a judicious middle ground for a plethora of enterprises. The campaign’s fervour and impact can be tailored in accordance with the average order value, guaranteeing a formidable Return on Investment (ROI). Typically orchestrated as a conduit for lead generation, these campaigns also proffer valuable reinforcement to ongoing sales initiatives and brand endeavours.

Multi ABM campaigns

This campaign variant embodies a fusion of conventional and Account Based Marketing (ABM) campaigns. It is directed at a spectrum of 50-500 designated accounts, inherently possessing a touch less precision compared to the archetypal ABM endeavours, yet sharing certain affinities among the accounts. This strategy frequently proves effective for promotion when the Average Order Value (AOV) leans towards the lower end or when comprehensive insights about each account remain somewhat constrained. Often, this campaign format serves as a dual-purpose vehicle, both generating leads and enhancing brand visibility. In essence, its adaptability allows for fine-tuning in alignment with your desired outcomes.

Programmatic ABM Campaigns

Programmatic ABM leverages technology and data to automate the delivery of personalised content and ads to target accounts. By integrating customer data and intent signals, programmatic ABM ensures that each account receives tailored messages across multiple digital channels. This approach allows for greater efficiency and scalability, while still maintaining a high level of personalisation.

How account based marketing framework is different from traditional marketing


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How to build a successful ABM marketing strategy?

Develop ideal buyer personas and target accounts

To craft a robust ABM marketing strategy, it is essential to begin by developing ideal customer profiles and identifying target accounts. These profiles serve as a compass, guiding companies towards accounts that align with revenue, margin, and profitability objectives. Once targets are identified, a proactive approach is key. Initiate contact through personalized email pitches or calls from sales representatives, and if the initial connection doesn’t yield desired results, explore alternative avenues through well-connected individuals, like regional VPs.

Moreover, conduct in-person interviews to delve deeper into their goals, aspirations, and grievances related to your products or services. This insight aids in evaluating whether they are suitable candidates for the ABM program.

Anticipate objections during interviews and counter them adeptly. Engage upper management to introduce the meeting, fostering an environment that is about understanding customer needs rather than a typical sales pitch. Collect vital information, such as job function, age, industry, number of employees, revenue, and location, to shape the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP).

Segmenting contacts into distinct groups, such as Champions, Decision Makers, Influencers, and Users, further streamlines communication efforts. By categorising and targeting the right individuals with personalised messaging, the effectiveness of account based marketing tactics amplifies.

Coordinate with your marketing teams

Unlike traditional lead generation, an account based marketing plan requires ongoing collaboration and proactive efforts from teams for successful account engagement. From the outset, marketers and sales reps must jointly design a sophisticated, personalised campaign spanning multiple channels. This collaboration should extend throughout the sales process, with strategic marketing efforts persisting beyond the handoff to the sales team.

Maintaining continuous communication grants the marketing team opportunities to provide personalised content as target customers seek information and assistance. Evaluating existing marketing and communication channels in tandem with sales is essential to identify the most effective avenues for recurring personalised outreach and retargeting.

These communication channels may include product and brand websites, social media networks, paid media campaigns, segmented email campaigns, events, partnerships, sponsorships, and e-commerce platforms.

Create valuable content and connect it with buyer persona and target account list

The core objective is to address the specific challenges faced by prospective customers or obstacles hindering their path to conversion. Begin by crafting persona and tier-specific campaigns, tailoring the approach for each tier and marketing channel. Since you have tailored the content for a specific audience, it only follows to personalise the outreach as well. Personalisation is, after all, the essence of ABM.

Lastly, the content delivery strategy may encompass email marketing, Linkedin advertising, direct mail, or precisely targeted PPC ads, depending on the audience’s preferred channels. By captivating prospects with personalised content and strategic outreach, an account based marketing approach establishes a genuine connection and sets the stage for successful conversions.

Top ABM challenges and secret tips to overcome them

Implementing account based marketing campaigns can present various challenges for businesses seeking to maximize their potential. However, with strategic approaches and a focus on collaboration, these hurdles can be overcome to ensure ABM’s success.

Data Quality and Availability


Account based marketing efforts rely heavily on accurate and comprehensive data about key accounts. Poor data quality or limited data availability can hinder the effectiveness of personalised campaigns and lead to missed opportunities.

Overcoming the Challenge

Invest in data management and enrichment tools to ensure data accuracy and completeness. Collaborate with sales and marketing teams to gather first-hand insights, and leverage third-party data sources to supplement existing information. Regularly update and cleanse the data to maintain its quality over time.

Account Selection and Prioritisation


Identifying the right high-value accounts and prioritising them effectively can be a complex task. Companies may struggle to strike a balance between the number of accounts and available resources.

Overcoming the Challenge

Conduct research to align with ideal customer profiles and business objectives. Collaborate with sales teams to identify accounts with the highest revenue potential. Implement a scoring system to prioritise accounts based on factors like fit, intent, and engagement. Focus on quality over quantity to ensure personalised attention to each account.

Sales and Marketing Alignment


Misalignment between sales and marketing teams can impede the seamless execution of ABM strategies. Lack of collaboration and shared goals may lead to disjointed efforts and ineffective campaigns.

Overcoming the Challenge

Foster open communication and regular meetings between sales and marketing teams. Establish shared objectives and a common definition of high-value target accounts. Collaboratively develop and review the ABM strategy, ensuring a unified approach throughout the customer journey. Implement tools and platforms that facilitate data sharing and visibility across teams.

Measurement and Attribution


Accurately measuring the success of ABM campaigns and attributing results to specific efforts can be challenging. Traditional marketing metrics may not fully capture the impact of personalised interactions.

Overcoming the Challenge

Define clear KPIs aligned with ABM efforts and objectives, such as account engagement, pipeline acceleration, and revenue contribution. Utilise advanced attribution models that consider both online and offline touchpoints to attribute results accurately. Regularly analyse and review campaign performance, making data-driven adjustments for continuous improvement. Moreover, to measure ABM performance, the best metrics you should never overlook are revenue generated from key accounts, marketing qualified leads, target account engagement, and win rate.

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Why personalisation is essential to build a robust account based marketing strategy?

Account based marketing revolves around seizing the focus of your intended accounts and persuading them that you are the ideal remedy for their needs. Personalisation stands as a potent avenue for conveying this message. By investing the effort to delve into the intricacies of your target prospects and fashioning bespoke messages that directly address their distinct interests and challenges, you demonstrate that this endeavour goes beyond a routine sales spiel. Instead, it convincingly showcases that your solution harmonises genuinely with their requirements.

What does personalising ABM strategy entail?

Personalisation within ABM entails tailoring your message to precisely suit a single prospect (or a select group of prospects), instead of employing a generic, one-size-fits-all approach. Personalised ABM strategies encompass a variety of techniques, including:

  • Crafting bespoke landing pages that are uniquely designed for a specific company, or even a pivotal individual or a designated group within that company.
  • Adapting your email content to directly address the pain points of a prospect, drawing from your understanding of their role and field of expertise, and presenting viable solutions.
  • Formulating advertisements that resonate with shared pain points or essential metrics relevant to the industry in which the company operates.
  • Dispatching personalised direct mail to a contact within a target account, centered around their individual preferences and interests.

Benefits of personalised ABM strategy

Enhanced ROI and Expedited Sales Cycle

The key lies in meticulously crafting pertinent and tailor-made content that resonates seamlessly with your clients, pin pointedly addressing their pain points. When executed skilfully, this approach substantially augments the likelihood of them embracing your products and services.

Furthermore, enterprises that allocate resources to email marketing stand to reap substantial returns on investment. When infused with ABM strategies, the potential for favorable outcomes multiplies even further.

B2B sales inherently entail protracted cycles, demanding a thorough process of persuasion across an array of stakeholders within your target accounts. Thus, regular communication through personalized and pertinent emails prompts prospects to engage consistently with pertinent matters and positions your business as a potential solution. The outcome? Expedited progress from prospects to finalised deals, translating into a significant ROI.

Enhanced Quality of Data

ABM empowers you to deliver content that emphasises quality over quantity. The volume of data to be monitored is reduced, streamlining the measurement of metrics and performance for ABM campaigns compared to conventional ones. It’s imperative to keenly heed the qualitative feedback garnered from customers, initiating a meaningful conversation rather than merely dispatching messages into the abyss.

The impact of one-to-one personalisation significantly shapes the reception of emails. A personalised email is more likely to elicit responses. This dynamic enables you to consistently refine your strategy when engaging with other target accounts that share similar pain points.

Expedite the Buyer’s Journey and Cultivate Stronger Customer relationships

Infusing your website content, social media ads and emails with deeply personalised content significantly heighten the prospects of conversions. When your target accounts receive content that speaks directly to their specific circumstances, effectively addressing the hurdles they encounter, they become more inclined to choose your products and services. Likewise, the presence of meticulously personalised landing pages that encourage conversions also holds considerable significance.

By furnishing users with tailored solutions for their predicaments, their progression along the buyer’s journey gains momentum. Moreover, at its core, ABM revolves around the establishment of high-calibre customer connections. Every facet of your engagement with clients, including your website content or email marketing endeavours, plays a pivotal role in crafting customer experiences that foster the development of more robust relationships.

Nonetheless, numerous businesses falter in this realm, often grappling with deciphering the needs of prospects and clients.

Thankfully, by synergising personalisation with ABM, you can promptly pivot the trajectory. This empowers you to dispatch precisely targeted and bespoke content to clients, thus orchestrating a turnaround in your approach.

Putting it all together

In conclusion, account based marketing success requires a meticulous and strategic approach, prioritising personalisation, collaboration, and data-driven insights. The top three key components of the ABM program are identifying key contacts, producing customised content, and researching tactics. Seamless coordination between sales and marketing teams becomes paramount, as both must work in unison throughout the customer journey, ensuring a unified and personalised experience for high-value accounts. Data quality and availability are fundamental, necessitating continuous efforts to gather and maintain accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date data. Account selection and prioritization demand careful research and consideration, focusing on quality over quantity to maximize resources and outcomes. By embracing the tips and tricks mentioned above, businesses can forge enduring relationships, accelerate growth, and unlock unparalleled growth opportunities.