In the world of advertising, creating an effective campaign is essential for businesses to reach their target audience and drive sales. However, as the market becomes increasingly crowded with advertisements, consumers are becoming more selective about what they engage with. Advertisers are experiencing ad fatigue challenges and their strategies are becoming ineffective to raise brand awareness. This issue can have a significant impact on the success of a campaign, and advertisers must understand how long they can use the same adverts without losing their effectiveness.

The answer to this question depends on several factors, including the nature of the product or service being advertised, the audience being targeted, and the platform where the ads are being displayed. Advertisers need to consider the level of competition and the ad schedule frequency to ensure their message is not lost in the noise.

In this article, we will explore how to recognise ad fatigue and examine strategies for maximising the lifespan of an ad campaign, including how often ads should be refreshed or updated to keep them relevant and engaging. By understanding the lifespan of an ad campaign, marketers can ensure that their advertising efforts remain effective and profitable.


What is ad fatigue?

It is a phenomenon that can be detrimental to both a brand awareness campaign and leadgen campaign since the target audience becomes tired of seeing the same advertisements repeatedly. As consumers are bombarded with countless ads across various platforms, they become increasingly desensitised and unresponsive to advertising messages. This leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of an advertising campaign as the target audience begins to tune out the ads or even actively avoid them.


How does ad fatigue affect the performance of my advertising campaigns?

Higher CPC (Cost per Click)

Imagine a potential customer who sees your advert and scrolls through it without reading a single word. This is termed banner blindness. However, you have to pay anyway to display the ad to them. And, of course, you’ve to pay again when they see the same ad again. Even though they didn’t click on the banner or take any action. That’s how the CTR decreases. After a few weeks, the campaign CPC begins to rise. From this point on, the ad spend is beginning to go to waste.

Ruined brand image

Users quickly reach the stage where they avoid your offer and company altogether. They feel like your brand is disrespecting them and don’t provide a good customer experience.

If you’re looking for research on advert fatigue, The CMO Club and Thunder performed the following poll in June 2018: According to 74% of respondents, negative advertisements have the biggest impact on brand loyalty. Frequency and relevancy are cited by 55% of respondents as the main causes of bad advertisements.

Lower conversion rates

According to Simulmedia, viewers were 5.7% more likely to purchase after viewing an ad for the first time compared to not seeing one at all. Compared to those who saw the advertisement 2–5, those who viewed it 6–10 times were 4.1% less likely to purchase. Even worse, individuals who watched the advertisement 11 or more times were 4.2% less likely to purchase than those who saw it 6 to 10 times. Consequently, ad fatigue undermines all efforts you’ve made to achieve your final goal: increased sales.


What are the signs of ad fatigue?

Advertisers must be aware of the ins and outs of advert fatigue. The first sign is a decline in click-through rates. If the audience sees the same ads frequently, they may stop clicking on them, indicating that they are no longer engaging with the content. A decrease in engagement levels is another sign of ad fatigue. If the audience is no longer liking, sharing, or commenting on ads, it may indicate that they are no longer interested in the content.

Another sign is a decrease in conversions. If the audience is no longer taking the desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form, it may indicate that they are no longer responding to the ads. Lastly, if the frequency of the ads has become too high, the audience may start to actively avoid them, resulting in a decrease in impressions.

Other signs can include negative feedback or comments, a decrease in the time spent on the landing page, and a decrease in the overall performance of the ad campaign. By monitoring these signs, advertisers can identify when ad fatigue is occurring and take steps to address it, such as keeping the ad content fresh according to the target market, testing multiple ads format or messaging, and targeting a different audience.

Learn how to create perfect lead magnets that generate new clients.


How can I prevent ad fatigue in my advertising campaigns?

There are several strategies that advertisers can use to keep their ads fresh and engaging.

Rotate ad creatives

One of the most effective ways to stop ad fatigue is to rotate ad creatives. Advertisers can create several variations of the same content of the ad, such as changing the images or messaging, to keep the ad fresh and engaging. This can be done manually or using automated tools such as ad rotation settings in Google Ads.

Use different ad formats

Different ad formats can help by providing users with a variety of ways to engage with the ad. For example, platforms such as Facebook ads manager and Instagram offer various ad formats like photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, and story ads. Similarly, search engine platforms like Google Ads offer different ad formats such as text ads, display ads, shopping ads, and video ads. Advertisers can experiment with different ad formats like image ads, dynamic ads, video ad, etc. to see which ones work best for their potential audience.

Leverage ad customisers

Ad customisers dynamically update ads, providing a fresh experience for the audience by streamlining the sales funnel and reducing ad fatigue problem.

Implement frequency capping

Frequency capping is a technique used to limit the number of times an ad is shown to a user. This helps by ensuring that users do not see the same ad content repeatedly. Advertisers can set frequency capping limits based on their campaign objective and target audience.


Retargeting is a strategy that involves showing ads to users who have previously engaged with the brand or visited the website. This can help by showing users relevant ads based on their previous behaviour.

A/B testing

A/B testing involves creating different versions of an ad and testing them against each other to see which one performs better. This can help advertisers identify the most effective ad copy and creatives, and prevent advert fatigue by ensuring that the ads are engaging and relevant to the target audience.

Audience segmentation

Audience segmentation involves dividing the potential audience into different groups based on factors such as demographics, interests, and behaviour. Advertisers can create different ads that are specifically targeted to each segment, and reduce ad fatigue by showing users relevant and personalized ads.

Use ad scheduling

Ad scheduling involves setting specific times and days for ads to be shown. This can also help future campaigns by ensuring that the ads are not shown too frequently, and users are not bombarded with too many ads at once.

Monitor ad performance

Advertisers should regularly monitor the campaigns performance of their ads to identify signs of ad fatigue. Metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and engagement can help advertisers understand how users are interacting with their ads and make necessary changes to cure ad fatigue.

For social media ads, paying attention to the constantly changing trends and preferences of the audience is vital. Advertisers can use social media listening tools to understand the conversations around their brand and industry and create ads that resonate with the audience.

On search engine platforms, use negative keywords. Negative keywords are terms that advertisers can exclude from their digital marketing campaigns to prevent irrelevant traffic. Using negative keywords can help ensure that the ad set is only displayed to users who are interested in the product or service being advertised.

Check out this handy guide about the 8 biggest Google ad mistakes and how to avoid them.


How often should I change my ads to avoid ad fatigue?

The frequency with which an advertiser should change their ads to avoid ad fatigue depends on various factors such as the industry, potential customers, and advertising platform. However, a general rule of thumb is that most campaigns need a creative refresh every 2-4 weeks. This allows for enough time for the ad to be seen by the prospective audience while also keeping it fresh and engaging.

It is important to note that changing an ad too frequently can also be detrimental to the campaign’s performance, as it may not give the ad enough time to gain traction and generate results. It is essential to monitor the ad’s performance regularly to identify signs of ad fatigue and make necessary changes.


What are some common causes of ad fatigue?

There are several reasons why ad fatigue occurs, and some of the most common causes are:


Audiences start to lose interest when the same advert is shown to them repeatedly. This can happen when an advertiser uses the same ad creative assets for an extended period.

Poor targeting

If the ad is not targeted to the right audience, it can result in ad fatigue. For example, showing an ad for men’s shoes to women can result in a decline in performance.

Irrelevant messaging

If the messaging of the ad is not relevant to the potential audience, it can result in ad fatigue. It is important to ensure that the ad’s messaging resonates with the right audience.

Ad saturation

When there are too many ads from the same advertiser shown to the same people, it can result in ad fatigue.

Lack of variety

When the design team uses the same advert creative repeatedly without changing the messaging or the visuals, it can result in ad fatigue. It is important to rotate ad creatives regularly to keep the campaign fresh and engaging.


Can ad fatigue lead to a decrease in ROI?

Yes, ad fatigue will lead to a decrease in ROI. When an ad becomes repetitive and fails to engage the potential customers, it can result in a decline in the ad’s performance. As a result, the cost per click (CPC) can increase, and the conversion rate can decrease. This means that the advertiser will be paying more to generate fewer results, which can lead to a decrease in ROI.


How can I measure the impact of ad fatigue on my advertising campaigns?

Measuring the impact of ad fatigue on advertising campaigns can be challenging, but there are a few key metrics that can provide insight into its effects.

Click-through rate (CTR)

Click-through rate (CTR) is a metric that measures the percentage of people who click on a particular link or advertisement after seeing it. A decline in CTR over time can be a sign of ad fatigue.

Cost per click (CPC)

The cost an advertiser pays each time a user clicks on one of their ads is termed as cost per click. Ad fatigue can lead to an increase in CPC, as the ad’s performance declines.

Conversion rate

Conversion rate is the percentage of people who completed a desired action, such as making a purchase, after clicking on an ad. If the conversion rate declines over time, it can be a sign of ad fatigue.

Ad frequency

Ad frequency refers to how many times an ad is shown to the same audience. A high frequency can lead to ad fatigue and a decline in performance.

Engagement rate

The engagement rate measures how unique users interact with an ad, such as liking, commenting, or sharing. A decline in engagement rate can indicate ad fatigue.

By regularly monitoring these important metrics and analysing trends over time, advertisers can identify and address how ad fatigue happens in their campaigns, leading to better results and a positive return on investment.


What are some strategies for combating ad fatigue?

To combat ad fatigue, leverage dynamic retargeting to deliver ads according to the last element the potential customer visited on your website. This retargeting tactic shows users advertising for the exact product they looked at on your website or with personalised text depending on the product’s headline or body copy. Users are reminded of the product in which they have previously expressed interest.

Moreover, by inspiring action and energising your audience to interact with the content, you may also reverse the negative impacts of ad fatigue and ignorance. Your advertisements will get much better if you use memories, emotions or feelings. Our brain uses fluctuations in the valence and arousal of emotion as a critical source of information to guide behaviour.


Are there any tools or software that can help me prevent ad fatigue?

Yes, there are several tools and software that can help prevent ad fatigue, streamline the ad creation process, and optimise ad performance. Here are some examples:

Ad Management Platforms

Platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads provide robust ad management tools and features that allow advertisers to manage and optimise their ad campaigns.

Ad Optimisation Tools

Tools such as AdEspresso, AdRoll, and Optmyzr use machine learning and automation to optimise ad performance and prevent ad fatigue.

A/B Testing Tools

Platforms such as Unbounce, VWO, and Optimizely allow advertisers to conduct A/B testing to identify the best-performing ad creatives, messaging, and targeting.

Ad Creative Tools

Tools such as Canva, Adobe Creative Suite, and Crello can help advertisers create visually appealing ad creatives quickly and easily.

Analytics Tools

Platforms such as Google Analytics, Facebook Analytics, and Mixpanel provide insights into ad performance, allowing advertisers to identify and address ad fatigue issues.


In conclusion, while ad fatigue is a very real issue, advertisers can take several steps to combat it. By utilising a variety of ad formats, continuously rotating ad creatives, implementing frequency capping, and conducting A/B testing, advertisers can maintain audience interest and optimise ad performance. Additionally, utilising retargeting and sequential messaging can help prevent ad fatigue and ensure that audiences remain engaged with an advertiser’s message.

Lastly, an ad is often most efficient after 3-7 impressions, meaning that repeated exposure can help reinforce an advertiser’s message and increase the likelihood of engagement. That said, it’s important to strike a balance between frequency and overexposure to prevent audience burnout.