
Knowledge is power

Growth Marketing Pitfalls

Marketers have struggled to avoid severe growth marketing pitfalls over the past few years. Many businesses have followed tried-and-tested formulas for spreading brand awareness and client acquisition. For instance, creating engaging content, running eye-catching ads, and utilizing social media – lather, rinse, repeat. The problem is that growth marketers today have the same tools and tactics at their disposal.   What are the dangers of focusing too much on growth marketing techniques? Here are the…

Is Inbound Marketing Expensive?

Present-day marketers and businesses are already aware that consumers, in today’s world, are not solely dependent on marketing to know about products or services but use it as an educational tool to their advantage as well. Inbound marketing works for both ends by leveraging desirable content that is engaging and, at the same time, provides solutions to the issues of the consumer while improving the online presence of the brand. Inbound marketing is equal to…

8 Google Ads Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Google Ads – One of the most effective forms of lead generation and of course expansion of the sales funnel. They are extremely adequate in terms of higher ROIs in a short period of time, when used in the right way. With the market being as saturated as it is today, there is more than one way things can go south because of simple Google Ads mistakes. Some simple mistakes such as improper use of…

SaaS Growth Marketing

SaaS is considered a lucrative business model. Venture investors prefer this business even in today’s times of economic downfall. With multiple market opportunities available, SaaS businesses need to implement the right growth approach to scale efficiently. Moreover, while choosing the best-suited marketing mix to build customer loyalty and brand awareness can be challenging, SaaS growth marketing is an effective way to scale a SaaS business in 2023 strategically.   There was a time when trade…

How Does ISV’s Benefit From AI?

All Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) should have a hard look at the potential growth opportunities an AI integration has to offer. The enterprises, especially the ones providing niche solutions, will find themselves depending on AI in the coming years. But, what has AI to do with ISV? Industry analysts believe that Artificial Intelligence is one technology that has shown incredible growth across all sectors. Such technologies have added tremendous value to ISVs and channel partners…

What Makes a Product Demo a Good Lead Magnet

Is a product demo still valuable in a modern world, with an abundance of information? Well, let’s imagine the following scenario: You have a brilliant product. You ask your marketing department to find the best possible ways to market your product. They go ahead – and start rolling out high-quality blog posts, email newsletters, social media posts, and more. You see a surge in your website traffic a few months later. But wait! Even though…

How Does Inbound Content Marketing Work?

The mindset of today’s customers is ever-changing. Lately, people are seeking more valuable and knowledgeable content rather than just marketing sell-outs. A brand is trusted and considered reliable based on the quality of the content rather than the various marketing gimmicks used to attract customers. The content delivered should not be force-fed into the minds of the audience, rather it should be enjoyed and appreciated by the clientele. This is what inbound content marketing is…

What is Inbound Marketing and why is it important?

Did you know that inbound marketing helps businesses generate 54% more leads than other forms of marketing. At the same time, it costs 62% less per lead when compared with other forms of marketing. Inbound marketing is one of the most popular strategies to grow your business and build long-term relationships with your target audience. It is a methodology that encourages marketers and businesses to create value-adding content that actually helps them position themselves as…

9 Benefits of Inbound Marketing You Should Know About

While many business models are still attuned to the traditional “outbound” approach in digital marketing, the lack of awareness of the power of inbound marketing has resulted in companies struggling with increasing brand credibility and customer engagement. Inbound marketing stands different from traditional outbound marketing in more than one aspect. For one, inbound marketing makes the customer come to you and seek your brand. It is a more effective way to give the customer the…

What is needed for ai to work

Have you ever wondered how does AI work and how it’ll change the working way of future generations? Before we delve into how it works, let’s first discuss what AI is. AI technology mimics human intelligence, allowing machines and computers to learn from experience via algorithmic training and iterative processing.   What makes AI technology beneficial? AI offers multiple critical benefits that make it an excellent tool for virtually any modern business or organization, including:…

What content does not work as lead magnet

A good lead magnet is the heart of an exceptional marketing crusade. It’s a powerful tool to help you generate high-quality leads. Lead magnets are high-converting and offer much more caliber to the target audience in a seamless way. Lead magnets are hands-down the best manoeuvre into the marketing world. That being established, they require a lot of time, effort, research, and the right approach to be successful. Time and information are the most valuable…

Digital Growth Marketing For Tech Companies

Digital growth marketing uses innovative methods to reach and attract an audience organically. While these techniques are usually experimental, they remain dynamic and agile, well-suited to the ever-growing marketing landscape. Due to the rising competition for attention on digital platforms, tech companies struggle to increase their sales funnels. Therefore, tech firms should utilize potential tools and strategies to demonstrate that they’re a thought leader and can provide substantial ROI.   How does a tech company…