Success in Linkedin Ads depends on careful planning since your ads are up against a lot of noise and competition. Although running ads on social media might feel like shouting in the void, you can always generate better results for your organisation by speaking to the right audience. In other words, you might want to target decision-makers in a company on Linkedin. To help you make the best out of your Linkedin marketing budget, we have consolidated a list of specifications related to different kinds of Linkedin Ads. Follow along as we discover the types of ads and share the best practices for instant Linkedin success. Let’s get started!


Different Linkedin ads and their specifications

Here is a list of the most popular Linkedin ads formats. We have shared what the ad formats are capable of and listed the specifications you should consider while developing an ad campaign.

Single image ads (1080 x 1080 px)

Single image ads are some of the most used ads on Linkedin. It’s because such ads look like regular content posts and leverage their native look. Such ads generally have a ‘promoted’ or ‘sponsored’ tag on top, which distinguishes them from other unpaid content. Single image ads are perfect for generating brand awareness, website visits, engagement, conversions, leads, and job applications.

We highly recommend you the following specification for an effective single image ad:

  • The name of the ad should be up to 255 characters.
  • The introductory text should be up to 150 characters.
  • The ad image should be 7680 x 7680 px.
  • The ad image format should be JPG, PNG, or GIF.
  • Make sure the ad image is 5MB or smaller.


Carousel ads (6012 x 6012 px)

Carousel ads are nothing but a swipeable row of cards that trigger engagement. One can use such ads to tell a brand’s story or showcase products. The idea is to deliver strong visuals to keep the viewers swiping through the cards. The goal behind carousel ads is to generate brand awareness, website visits, engagement, conversions, and lead generation.

We highly recommend you the following specifications for an effective carousel ad:

  • The name of the ad should be up to 255 characters.
  • The introductory text should be up to 150 characters.
  • Keep the number of cards between two and ten.
  • The maximum file size you can upload is 10 MB.
  • The maximum image dimension is 6012 x 6012 px.
  • You can upload rich media formats like JPG, PNG, and GIF.


Conversation ads (250 x 250 px)

Conversation ads give the audience the power to choose their own path and be subjected to a customised experience. The audience can select a response that leads to a customer journey that showcases different products and services. Moreover, the ad encourages the audience to signup for an event or webinar. The goal behind conversation ads is to generate brand awareness, website visits, engagement, conversions, and lead generation.

We highly recommend you the following specification for an effective conversation ad:

  • The name of the ad should be up to 255 characters.
  • The banner creative should be 300 x 250 px.
  • The image for the ad should be 250 x 250 px.
  • The image format should be either JPEG or PNG.


Follower ads

Go for follower ads if you intend to deliver a personalised ad experience to your audience. Such ads are useful in generating brand awareness, website visits, and engagement. The idea is to promote your Linkedin page to other relevant social media users and encourage them to hit the “follow” button.

We highly recommend you the following specification for an effective follower ad:

  • The ad description should not be more than 70 characters.
  • The ad headline should have a write-up of 50 characters.
  • The company name should be up to 25 characters.
  • The ad image should be square, preferably 100 x 100 px.
  • The ad image format should be JPG or PNG.


Spotlight ads

As the name suggests, spotlight ads throw light on the products, services, and content you have to offer. Spotlight ads work when a user clicks on the ad. Upon clicking, the user is driven to a landing page or website where the product or service is put on display. We recommend spotlight ads for marketing managers that have to generate brand awareness, website visits, engagement,  or lead generation for their organisation.

We highly recommend you the following specification for an effective spotlight ad:

  • The ad description should be up to 70 characters.
  • The ad headline should be up to 50 characters.
  • The company name should be up to 25 characters.
  • The ad image should be 100 x 100 px.
  • The ad image format should be either JPG or PNG.
  • The custom background image should be exactly 300 x 250 px.


Job ads

Are you responsible for recruitment at your organisation? Then you should double down on Linkedin job ads. These are also called “Work With Us” ads and generally deliver a click-through rate that is 50 times better than an average recruitment ad. Such ads generate website visits and leverage the employee network on Linkedin to encourage job applications.

We highly recommend you the following specification for an effective job ad:

  • The company name should be up to 25 characters.
  • The company logo should be clear and must be 100 x 100 px.
  • The ad headline should be up to 70 characters


Single job ads (1080 x 1080 px)

If you want to share and promote job opportunities in your audiences’ newsfeed, you might want to use single job ads as these ads work perfectly to generate job applications. Single job ads tend to generate 25 percent more click-to-apply rates than other recruitment ads.

We highly recommend you the following specification for an effective single job ad:

  • The name of the ad should be up to 255 characters.
  • The ad image can be 7680 x 7680 px.


Message ads (300 x 250 px)

Message ads are quite appealing and engaging in nature as these drive one in every two prospects to read the message. Marketing managers would like to use this ad format to send direct messages to their audiences’ inboxes. The message ad generally contains the primary message coupled with an effective CTA. These ads have the power to generate website visits, conversions, and leads.

We highly recommend you the following specification for an effective message ad:

  • The message subject should be up to 60 characters.
  • The CTA button copy should be up to 20 characters.
  • The customer terms and conditions should be up to 2,500 characters.
  • The banner creative should be of size 300 x 250 px.
  • The banner creative image format can be JPEG, PNG, or GIF.


Text ads (100 x 100 px)

Marketing managers running a tight budget should go for text ads as these are easy to set up and are affordable. These are preferable for organisations looking to generate B2B leads. Text ads are helpful in generating brand awareness, website visits, and conversions.

We highly recommend you the following specification for an effective text ad:

  • The headline should be up to 25 characters.
  • The description should be up to 75 characters.
  • The image used should be 100 x 100 px.
  • The image format should be JPG or PNG.


Video ads

Linkedin video ads are extremely interactive and engaging since they focus on providing a better customer experience. Such ads work best when used to reveal new products, showcase company culture, or promote thought leadership. The idea is to make more and more people watch the video.

We highly recommend you the following specification for an effective video ad:

  • The name of the ad should be up to 225 characters.
  • The introductory text should be up to 600 characters.
  • The video width should be 640 to 1920 px.
  • The video height should be 360 to 1920 px.
  • The aspect ratio should be 1.778 to 0.5652.


Final remarks!

Clearly, most of the ads on Linkedin recommend square images. This is primarily because ads with square images look more native on the social media platform. As a result, more users click on them and help improve the ads’ click-through rate. Video ads, however, do not encourage the users enough to click on them. Indeed, these are exceptionally powerful to generate brand awareness and impressions. But, video ads might not provide the CTR you are looking for. Which ad format do you use often for your company page?