All Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) should have a hard look at the potential growth opportunities an AI integration has to offer. The enterprises, especially the ones providing niche solutions, will find themselves depending on AI in the coming years. But, what has AI to do with ISV? Industry analysts believe that Artificial Intelligence is one technology that has shown incredible growth across all sectors. Such technologies have added tremendous value to ISVs and channel partners and that’s precisely what we will discuss in this post. We will share the impact of Artificial Intelligence on Independent Software Vendors and shortlist the benefits of introducing such cutting-edge technology.
What are the benefits of using AI in ISV integrations?
Let’s dive deeper and learn about the existing and potential benefits of introducing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to the ISV development and deployment processes.
Faster code refactoring
Programmers might need to add one last function into their programs before rendering them good to go. But the lack of time can turn the simple task of organizing, structuring, and aligning the function with the code into a massive challenge. Code refactoring helps streamline the process of restructuring computer code without one having to tweak its external behavior and functionality.
Independent Service Vendors that are looking to introduce major upgrades in their software solutions might require code refactoring. This exercise can get excruciatingly painful and quickly become more time- and effort-intensive. However, companies cannot ignore the process as solutions’ success relies on efficient and impeccable code refactoring. After all, all successful business logic runs on clean codes.
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence solutions can help analyze the new and existing code while determining the dependencies and optimizing the code. This is highly useful in developing codes that require environment upgrades, a process that demands reliable and stable performance.
Rapid prototyping
Independent Service Vendors thrive when they create solutions that effectively meet the expectations of their customers. The competition is racing towards creating the most complete solution. How can ISVs rise to the challenge? Before they do anything, it is crucial for them to understand the importance of rapid prototyping.
It is essential that ISVs have a minimum viable prototype that can be transformed into a full-fledged solution at the earliest. Not just that, they need to go out of their way to gain credible feedback to bring the required improvements before release. This is crucial to develop more refined future versions.
Given how quickly customer behaviour changes in this digital age, sampling user data and understanding the changing user requirements has never been more important. ISVs need to pay heed to user requirements and prioritize feature-related decision-making, especially when identifying software release plans.
This is where AI and ML can play a key role. These technologies help ISV specialists create a strategy that leads to successful product releases. AI helps them sample the industry requirements and market needs while using them to create reliable product prototypes — all this through natural language-driven visualization techniques. In other words, AI eliminates the need to write a huge chunk of code just to make the demonstrative solution work.
Training developers
Indeed, the ultra-futuristic advancements in Artificial Intelligence are a force to reckon with. But, human interference in the deployment of such technologies for ISVs has not ceased to exist. In other words, companies need to improve the quality and performance of the human element in any AI/ML system to generate better results.
The software development sector is always in dire need of developers and programmers that can be trained and made market-relevant. This is important given how rapidly new programming languages, frameworks, and paradigms are surfacing and becoming critical to success.
Companies need to create such strategies and focus on junior developers that are still creating the basic foundation for programming. Machine Learning and related technologies can be a boon for upcoming software developers. The addition of such technologies can help ISVs develop more autonomous processes across all training programs and mechanisms.
ML- and AI-driven strategies will help ISVs provide lessons to their developers while testing their knowledge and progress simultaneously. As AI solutions generate data, ISVs will get acquainted with the maturity of the developer’s learning and use the data to increase the complexity of assignments proportionately.
More importantly, AI and Machine Learning integrations in ISVs will help eliminate any biased opinions about developers in the training programs. Companies accomplish this by making sure the training process only involves interaction between developers and AI-based training platforms.
Autonomous deployment and monitoring
Intelligent automation is quite helpful for business ISVs as it allows the creation of an autonomous deployment environment. This works particularly in cases when they have a software solution that is built and certified for deployment. ISVs can use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to develop an autonomous deployment environment that can serve the purpose of continuously monitoring all specified deployment parameters.
The ML-driven deployment environment uses the parameters to check for potential errors in the product, especially bottlenecks that can render the product slow and finally useless. Most importantly, the deployment environment immediately red-flags the errors and bottlenecks and shares the report with the technical team in question. In other words, autonomous deployment environments ensure that ISVs have a seamless product deployment process.
Not just that, ISVs can rely on IT post-deployment. This is regarding the monitoring phase where the AI-based bots will constantly keep a check on the application’s health. ISVs will find it quite helpful in tracking cloud availability, performing basic and advanced security threat analysis, tracking traffic from several sources, and executing overall performance monitoring — all this to make the product work seamlessly.
Strengthen quality assurance
More and more businesses are relying on computer programs to get the best of their resources, beat the competition, and gain massive market share. Indeed, the software is a core enabler for such businesses. But, that will only be an understatement given how computer programs have become more than a support system for them.
However, there are certain issues that ISVs have to cater to despite all the glory software brings with itself. Most digital platforms add more power to the existing business processes and make them more reliable. At the same time, seamlessly rolling out error-free software will never cease to be a challenge.
How can ISVs ensure quality assurance? This is a question that AI and ML-driven automation have answers to. Here’s how automation helps ISVs. The automation testing platforms running on Machine Learning algorithms can effectively identify key software components and check how the software behaves.
The process can go on to create test cases while generating dependable test data. Such AI solutions can help ISVs validate component-specific objectives. Testing the data for each component chronologically will help ISVs determine whether or not the entire application or solution is good to go live.
Not just that, the AI-driven testing strategies can also detect new problems and bugs in the program that will help create new features and add more functionalities to the software. Such quick improvements are not feasible if ISVs continue to use traditional automation testing mechanisms.
Future of AI for ISVs
The coming years will see enormously wide-scale adoption of AI and ML-driven solutions and ISVs will have to keep up, especially by working on their ability to introduce AI in their existing operation. Not just that, they will have to leverage Artificial Intelligence for deep understanding and running agile processes. This will have a large implication across the startup and small-scale sectors where AI can be used to develop solutions through synergies. For the ISVs willing to adopt AI and ML, it can be their opportunity to tap into the worldwide AI adoption that is expected to reach $55B by 2025. ISVs should push to add value, especially by building chatbots, virtual assistants, smart cities, smart security, and other products and services.
Final thoughts!
There you have it. We hope this extensive guide on AI-driven Independent Service Vendor helps you understand the significance of modern technology, especially Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, in developing and deploying superior software solutions and ensuring better software development outcomes. The developers working behind the scenes at such ISVs will find it easier and be more inclined to introduce AI and ML in the development and deployment process as it makes their lives easier across different stages of development. Did you find this guide helpful? Let us know in the comments. Also, don’t forget to check out other informative posts in the blog!